Bastia, Ravi
The demand for petroleum resources is increasing, driving the exploration of new frontiers. For years, interest has focused on easily accessible onshore areas, but in recent years, it has shifted to continental shelves and deep-water basins.
With cutting-edge data acquisition, processing, and interpretation, it’s becoming more apparent that deepwater depositional complexes hold additional exploration potential. Deep-water depositional systems are the only type of reservoir system that cannot be readily accessed, seen, or studied in today’s environment; studying deep-water reservoirs necessitates the use of many remote observations, each of which provides a restricted perspective on the overall depositmal system.
This book makes an effort to integrate many data types by bringing together geology, geophysics, and petrophysics disciplines. The book’s contents are divided into three parts for the purpose of providing clarity and flow. Indian sedimentary basins, their development, classifications, and exploration play types are discussed in Section I.
The second section of the book is concerned with deep-water depositional processes, as well as their interpretation. The third part of the book focuses on a few critical methods for characterizing deep-water reservoirs and minimizing deep-water drilling risks. The book is the first of its kind for Indian offshore sedimentary basins and was written with the aim of providing a foundation and direction for future exploration and development.
Contents : Preface. Acknowledgements. Special acknowledgements. I. Indian sedimentary basins, their evolution, categorization and exploration play types / Status of hydrocarbon exploration and production in India: i. Historical perspective. ii. Oil and gas demand and supply. iii. New initiatives in exploration. iv. Change in exploration scenario. v. Categorization of the Indian sedimentary basins. 2. Plate tectonics and evolution of the sedimentary basins: i. Regional geology and tectonic setting of India. ii. Break-up of Gondwanaland and emergence of the river systems. iii. Plate tectonics. iv. Tectonic setting of the Indian sedimentary basins / East coast sedimentary basins: i. East coast sedimentary basins. ii. Commonality in stratigraphy and lithology. iii. Rift architecture. iv. Anomalous features identifiable on gravity maps. Bibliography. II. Deepwater depositional processes and their interpretation integrating different data sets particularly in Krishna-Godavari deepwater basin / An overview of deep-water depositional processes: east coast of India: i. Deep water depositional processes. ii. Deep water sedimentological models. iii. Sequence stratigraphic setting. iv. Deep-water processes observed in the east coast basins. Bibliography / Tectono-stratigraphy and depositional patterns: Krishna Offshore Basin / Reservoir architecture of tertiary deep – water sedimentation: Krishna-Godavari Basin: i. Seismic interpretation and geologic model. ii. Seismic inversion. Bibliography / Linking shelf delta to deep water in the Krishna-Godavari basin: i. Sequence stratigraphic framework. ii. Interpretation of seismic data. Bibliography. III. Few important techniques used in characterizing deepwater reservoirs and in minimizing deepwater drilling hazards / Wireland-log response and the depositional environment : i. Clastic environment. ii. Carbonate environment. iii. Wireline logs and lithology indication. Bibliography / 9. Thin bed reservoir characterization / 10. Minimizing deep-water risks: i. Electromagnetic methods for finding hydrocarbon reservoirs. ii. Minimizing deep-water drilling hazards / Bibliography / Selected glossary.